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Home About Us Sustainability

Corporate responsibility and sustainability (CR&S) are inherent in every aspect of Kresta Laurel’s operations. We strive to go beyond our statutory obligations to be a good neighbor, care for our stakeholders and minimize our impact on the environment.

Kresta Laurel’s board has ultimate responsibility for implementing the CR&S policy across the company with support at each office coming from appointed CR&S representatives.

Kresta Laurel is committed to promoting sustainability in all areas of our business by

  • undertaking business risk assessments, reacting and adapting to climate change, minimising the environmental impact of all aspects of our business operations and maintaining our certification to ISO 9001:2015
  • measuring our energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, and identifying and implementing savings wherever reasonably practicable
  • recycling office and project waste materials where practicable and cost-effective
  • minimising business-related travel and promoting the use of public transport and shared travel/commuting wherever practicable and cost-effective
  • communicating the requirements and needs of our environmental management system and CR&S policy to all, including our suppliers, and consulting with and involving our employees through regular meetings with the office CR&S representatives
  • rendering ourselves accountable to all our stakeholders through annual sustainability reports documenting our most important environmental, social and economic impacts
  • supporting the communities in which we operate through charitable donations and environmental education. Our community engagement and donation policy focus on the communities around our offices and national or international programmes as elected by our staff.
  • using local suppliers for site operations wherever feasible.

The directors will at least annually

  • review this policy to ensure it is effective
  • review responsibilities and procedures for CR&S management
  • set clear CR&S objectives and targets, monitor and measure performance and communicate the results
  • ensure adequate resources are made available to implement the policy.

Signed on behalf of the board of directors